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Public Engagement


For Employers


SEPnet Expo 2021 celebrates its summer placement students!

SEPnet Expo 2021 celebrates its summer placement students!

18 Nov 2021



85 students showcased their summer placement projects through online presentations and posters to employers, academic tutors and peers at SEPnet's 13th Expo and the 2nd online.

Students described a range of varied and exciting projects with large and small employers across different industries and research areas including data science, engineering, energy, IT, satellite communication, defence and scientific research.

The event was chaired by Professor Sir William Wakeham and an inspiring keynote address was delivered by Dr Mark Richards, Academic, Entrepreneur, Diversity Champion & DJ. An employer panel including representatives from Thales, ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, AP Sensing and TruLife Optics shared tips and advice with students on career opportunities and skills needs within their fields.

The IOP generously provided prizes for the 6 best posters. The winners included:
Naivasha Williams, University of Kent for her project 'Monitoring changes in snowfall in Kyrgyzstan using satellite earth observation' at eOpshere

Mary Sturch, University of Sussex for her project 'Gamma Camera Calibrations for Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry' at Royal Surrey County Hospital

Mariya Mollova, Royal Holloway for her project 'Mutual coupling investigation by analysis of the S-parameters in a microstrip antenna' at Aveillant

Sara Perez Vizan, Royal Holloway for her project 'Design and Build of an Opto-mechanical Experimental Rig' at Opsydia

Rosanne Hasan, Royal Holloway for her project 'ATLAS High Level Trigger' at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Grainne Wrigley, University of Surrey, 'Online Resources Development for Discovery Planet' at University of Kent.

You can view the gallery of all the posters here: SEPnet Students' Expo 2021 (office.com).

For more information about next year's summer placement scheme email summerplacements@sepnet.ac.uk.